AllianceRx is now Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy and Walgreens Mail Service
Looking for AllianceRx Specialty?
If your condition is complex, rare or requires close coordination with medical providers, we're here to help.
Looking for AllianceRx Home Delivery?
Stay on your medication schedule and save time with prescriptions shipped to you for free.
If you're an AllianceRx patient, nothing will change about how you get care.
Nothing will change about your treatment. You'll be able to fill your prescriptions as usual. No action will be needed on your end.

Why did AllianceRx change its name to Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy and Walgreens Mail Service?
Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy and Walgreens Mail Service will be the new names for AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy and Walgreens community-based specialty pharmacies, effective August 1, 2024.
We're bringing AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy and our community-based specialty pharmacy under one umbrella to make it easier for members, biopharmaceutical partners, providers and payers to know who they're working with.

What will happen to my AllianceRx login information?
You'll be able to log in to Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy and Walgreens Mail Service just as you did with AllianceRx, with no changes to your information or treatment.

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